Anime Slice Of Life Parenting. Based on the critically acclaimed manga by Yuki Midorikawa Natsume Yuujinchou is an unconventional and supernatural slice-of-life series that follows Natsume as he with his infamous protector Madara endeavors to free the spirits bound by his grandmothers contract. Even when it comes to adult life its hard to find a slice of life anime where maturing and becoming a better person isnt somewhere underneath the surface.
Not being able to socialize with others makes your life lonely and awkward. Akibatnya dia pun harus pergi ke pulau kecil dan menghadapi banyak hal yang tidak terduga. Written by MAL Rewrite Theme.
These events differ depending on setting but above all else are considered to be ordinary everyday actions that dont always follow a central plot.
Mencari anime slice of life pun tidaklah sulit. Rekomendasi Anime Slice of Life Terbaik. A mix of comedy slice-of-life mystery and drama Kakushigoto follows the life of a doting widower with a secret he must keep from his daughter Hime. These single parents are responsible for all the tasks involved with childcare either alone or with the aid of friends family or a potential new love interest who serves as a secondary parental figure.